An essay is basically used to judge the extent of a writer’s critical thinking and the ability to present that thinking in the form of an academic essay. If you know the correct way of writing an essay, you will be able to write it effectively, even if this is your first try in essay writing.

Here is a concise plan that presents vital points which a person must keep in mind in order to become a good essay writer-

Organised structure

Before even beginning for an essay, it is vital that you have a considerable grip on the requirements of basic structure for your essay. Generally, a conventional essay has three broad parts namely- introduction, main body of essay, and conclusion. These parts contain following major points-

  • Introduction- general opening statement, thesis statement, full outline of essay
  • Main body- Coverage of main topics through separate paragraphs
  • Conclusion- short summary of main topics, significance of discussion, outcomes, and major recommendations

Using evidence to form arguments and critical analysis

An academic essay writer is essentially required to base his/her arguments in the essay on some relevant and appropriate evidence from the existing literature. Using evidence gives an essay authenticity and professional look that will lead you to score good marks. Additionally, mere stating of the facts is not required by a student, but it is the critical analysis that gives a perfection to the normal essay writing. Therefore, use of critical analysis by comparing and contradicting the facts is important before reaching to any conclusion.

Clear transition

The essay writer should give extra attention to the words or phrases used by him for transiting from one point to another or one paragraph to another. Using transition words unnecessarily is considered as ill-writing which leads to non-achievement of precision and clarity. But they sometimes hold immense value in the context of connecting or separating different sections of the essay. For example, use of however, similar to, in addition to are often used to give a cohesive structure to the whole essay. However, you must ensure that a correct transition word or phrase in used at appropriate place to provide a pleasant flow of essay.

Supporting conclusion

Writing a conclusion is the most neglected part of essay writing. An essay writer is bound to feel exhausted till he/she reaches the conclusion due to which this part is often written in haste and casual attitude. However, conclusion is the part which ties the whole essay together. In this context, following should be used while writing a conclusion.

  • Outline of key evidence,
  • Appropriate relation between evidence and thesis,
  • Clear point of support or contradiction to the main argument.

Edit and Proofread

It is a known fact that re-writing is what a good writer undertakes, and an average writer skips in their writing. Formation of multiple drafts of essay while writing it will ensure that the final draft is a close to perfect essay with minimum limitations and maximum quality.